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Ancient Indian civilizations in the Northwestern region

Ancient Indian Civilizations in the Northwestern region

In Northwest Bangladesh, you might remember the rise and fall of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam through changing eras. Mahasthan is an old fortress city dating back to the 3rd Century BC, where Buddha himself was said to have visited for preaching and later was influenced by various religions.

The ancient Buddhist temple in Paharpur is the biggest in area in the south of the Himalayas. The architectural design of Paharpur later had influences on Pagan and Angkor Wat and has been declared a UNESCO world heritage site.

In Rajshahi region it is worth visiting Varendra Museum, Sona Mosque, Kusumba mosque, and the famous temple city Putia, where you can find the magnificent terracotta temples, built during 1823 and the largest Shiva Temple in Bangladesh.

The Kanthajee temple, the most ornate among the medieval temples in the country built by Maharaja Pran Nath in 1752 AD, every inch of the temple surface is beautifully embellished with exquisite terracotta plaques, recording and representing both the myth and reality of its time.